1 in 4 American women will have an abortion by age 45. Additionally, we know that trans and nonbinary people also need access to abortion care and must be included in the conversation.
Abortion stigma is often linked to other forms of stigma in our society: stigma around sexuality, intimate partner violence, gender identity, mental health, or alcohol and drug use.
Everyone’s abortion story is unique. How each of us experience abortion is affected by our culture, class, faith, personal circumstances, life experience, and what those around us say.
Sharing stories is one of the most effective ways to reduce stigma and prejudice. As more people find safe ways to share their stories with friends and family, the harder it is to stigmatize abortion.
Abortion is a common and safe medical procedure. But abortion is surrounded by stigma in our society.
Stigma keeps people silent about their personal experiences, and silence feeds public complacency with political attacks and destructive myths. Help us say goodbye to stigma by learning more and taking action.
Understanding Abortion
SOURCE: Guttmacher Institute
All types of people have abortions...
59% already have a child
60% are in their 20s
62% are religiously affiliated
75% are poor or low-income
...For all types of reasons
The decision about whether to choose adoption, have an abortion, or raise a child is personal, and no one should have to justify that decision. Everyone's abortion story is unique. How each of us experience abortion is affected by our culture, class, faith, personal circumstances, life experience, and what those around us say about abortion.
1 in 4
US women and people who can become pregnant will have an abortion by age 45
7 in 10
Americans support abortion rights
Abortion is Safe
Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in the US with a safety record of over 99%.
What You Should Know
Updates and Key Facts on Abortion
Tracking policies and litigation
Access the latest facts from Kaiser Family Foundation.
The Elephant in the Room: Answering Questions about Abortion
The Elephant in the Room: Answering Questions about Abortion
Dr. Toni Marengo, Chief Medical Officer at Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest
Chrissy Cmorik, Senior Director of Education at Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest
Goodbye Stigma Summit, 2019
Choice vs. Access: Defining Reproductive Justice
Choice vs. Access: Defining Reproductive Justice
Sandra Duran, Director of Communications at Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest
Goodbye Stigma Summit, 2019
The Goodbye Stigma Summit
Watch more powerful "mic drops" from the Goodbye Stigma Summit event.
#GoodbyeStigma Allies
Abortion Stories
- The Hill: Planned Parenthood president says abortion work shouldn't be marginalized
- The Washington Post: Planned Parenthood president: Saying abortion is a small part of what group does is stigmatizing
- Refinery 29: This Is The Perfect Reason To Have An Abortion
- Sara: My Story of Care
- Slate: The Abortions We Don’t Talk About
- USA Today: I'm a Catholic obstetrician who had an abortion. This is not politics or religion. It's life.
- CareMatters: 1 in 4 American women will have an abortion by age 45
- Bustle: How Women’s Abortion Stories Are Shattering Stigma Around The Procedure
- Women's Health: 'I Had An Abortion At 23 Weeks—This Is What It Was Like'
- Cosmopolitan: How Abortion Makes It Onto Television: 10 TV Writers Share Behind-the-Scenes Stories
- The New Yorker: Why Its Become So Difficult to Get an Abortion
- CNN: 'Pro-voice' Replaces Judgment with Conversation
- Buzzfeed: 41 Things Abortion Providers Want You to Know
- CareMatters: Survivor of a pre-Roe v. Wade abortion
- Washington Post: Abortion can be a lonely experience, which is why I openly talk about mine
- Romper: Things no one will tell you about your abortion, but I will
- Glamour: Lindy West
- We Testify: Amanda William
- The Belle Jar: I am a man and I had an abortion
- Why it’s become so hard to get an abortion
- Advocates for Youth: Abortion and Stigma
Abortion in the Media
- Jezebel: We're Seeing More Abortions Depicted on TV, But It's Not Necessarily Helping the Cause
- VOX: How TV lied about abortion
- Aljazeera: How shame and silence meet in control of women’s bodies
- Washington Post: Five years after an abortion, most women say they made the right decision
- Truthout: Attempts to Restrict Insurance Coverage Are Abortion Stigma at Work
- Broadly: Here's How TV Depicted Abortion Stories This Year
- Bustle: The TV Shows That Addressed Abortion In 2018 Highlighted The Experiences Of Women Of Color
- Vanity Fair: How Jane the Virgin crafted the perfect abortion story line
- MTV News: Combating abortion stigma, one show at a time
- Bustle: How television handled abortion in 2016
- Abortion in Pop Culture: From “Fast Times” and “Maude” to “Dirty Dancing" and "Scandal"
- A24Films: Obvious Child
- Newsweek: My Life As An Abortion Provider
- New York Times: Early abortion looks nothing like what you've been told
Intersection of Abortion and Religion
- Slate: The Faith-Based Case for Saving Abortion Rights
- The New York Times: Er, Can I Ask a Few Questions About Abortion?
- National Catholic Reporter: AOC embraces reproductive justice, and other Catholics should, too
- CNN: 'I had an abortion': 'Pro-voice' replaces judgment with conversation
- Refinery 29: I provide abortion care because I am a Christian
- Bustle: This feminist rabbi is dismantling the abortion vs religion debate
- The Daily Beast: I am a minister and a mother — and I had an abortion
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