1. Receive services without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or source of payment
2. Be free from neglect; exploitation; and verbal, mental, physical and sexual abuse
3. Receive free language interpreter services, by request, if needed to understand information given during health care visits (advance notice may be needed)
4. Be treated with dignity and respect
5. Know the names of the people serving you
6. Have privacy and confidentiality of your records
7. Complete your history form in a private space
8. Ask questions and receive explanations
9. Receive education and counseling
10. Have an explanation of the content of your medical record by a clinician
11. Ask for another clinician
12. Consent to or refuse any care or treatment
13. Refuse to be a part of a study or research
14. Decide whether or not to have children, and when
15. Know the effectiveness, possible side effects and problems of all methods of birth control
16.Participate in choosing a birth control method that is medically safe for you
17. Voice complaints and recommend changes in policies and services.
1. Be honest about your medical history and personal information
2. Be sure you understand
3. Follow health advice and medical instructions
4. Respect our policies and our staff
5. Report any changes in your health
6. Keep appointments or cancel at least 24 hours in advance.