Educators + Professionals
Book a training today!
Browse descriptions below of our available trainings. Trainings can range from a half day to multi-day, depending on the content and objectives. Cost of the trainings vary and can be discussed in greater detail with SHARE staff.
Fill out a request form for a training or presentation for summer 2024 here or contact us at [email protected].
Sex Ed Boot Camp
Anyone who works with youth knows they can sometimes ask tough questions about sex, dating, and relationships. Sex Ed Boot Camp is an in-depth, interactive training for youth-serving professionals on how to better manage 'sex topics' or questions, so that kids get real information and stay safe . It's time to be empowered!
Recommended length 4.5 hours minimum.
Facilitating Sex Ed Basics
This training creates a fun, collaborative, learning space to further develop participants' approach to presenting sex ed that includes recognizing the differing values and attitudes that people may have, while also including some basic facts about STIs & birth control methods. Each participant receives lesson outlines and materials that they can use in one-on-one conversations or as part of a larger group presentation. Participants leave the training with an understanding of the importance of climate setting prior to the delivery of a sexual health presentation. This training is ideal for participants that work in a variety of social service settings and with any age group.
Recommended length 5.5 hours minimum.
Foundations: Core Skills for Sex Ed
This is a how-to training designed for professionals implementing a sexual health curriculum with youth. The training covers essential skills for any grade level including climate setting, understanding Arizona law and policy related to sex education, exploring roles and values, responding to challenging questions and facilitation techniques. All things that would make any sex ed teacher more confident and successful!
Recommended length 6.5 hours minimum.
Education by Planned Parenthood Arizona
Supporting Sexual Health and Responsible Education is at the heart of what we do.
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