Birth Control
Birth control is a safe and easy way to prevent pregnancy. Some types of birth control can also help treat certain health problems or provide other health benefits — like making periods lighter and less painful. Almost everybody uses birth control at some point in their life.
Birth control isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are lots of different birth control methods that work in different ways. That’s where we come in.
Get Care
A staff member at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center can provide up-to-date, medically accurate information about all of your birth control options, and help you get the method that’s best for you.
We offer services in:
Birth control implant
Birth control patch
Birth control pill
Birth control shot
Birth control vaginal ring
Cervical cap
Fertility awareness method (FAMs)
IUD (hormonal, copper)
Spermicide & gel
Sterilization (tubal ligation, vasectomy)
Other birth control services