LGBTQIA+ College Students & Adults
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The Asexual Visibility and Education Network
- AVEN hosts the world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality. AVEN strives to create open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual and asexual people alike.
Brazen - Trans Women’s Guide to Safer Sex
- This guide covers disclosure, negotiation and consent, sex work, safer sex, transition- related surgeries, and provides up-to-date information on advances in HIV prevention and treatment, the realities of online dating and internet culture, and access to trans-inclusive health care.
- Designed to support student leaders and college campus groups working to create a safer college environment for LGBTQ students.
- A zine created by Mira Bellwether (2010) with illustrations, information, and articles about the sex lives of trans women. It is an educational and instructional tool as much as it is a creative exploration of how people have sex.
Gender Spectrum Lounge
- The Lounge is a space for teens, parents, and professionals to connect with one another. Members can form their own groups and participate in our broader online community. Meet new people and connect with friends and colleagues online.
- For Teens
- For College Students & Adults
- For Parents
- For Professionals
- For People with Disabilities
LGBTQIA+ Resources
- LGBTQIA+ Teens
- LGBTQIA+ College Students & Adults
- LGBTQIA+ Media
- Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQIA+ Youth
- Professional Resources for Working with LGBTQIA+ Youth
- LGBTQIA+ Hotlines
- LGBTQIA+ Terminology
- Virginia Statewide Sexual Health Resources
- Sexual Health and COVID-19
GLAAD - Tips for Allies of Transgender People
This resource list includes vocabulary, transgender FAQ and practical tips for allies.
Human Rights Campaign - Safer Sex for Trans Bodies
- A safer sex guide for transgender and gender expansive people, and for their partners and lovers. This guide includes information on terminology, boundaries, dating, risky behavior, safer sex tools, and more!
I Am: Trans People Speak
- A project to raise awareness about the diversity that exists within transgender communities. It gives a voice to transgender individuals, as well as their families, friends, and allies.
Knox College - Knox Knowledge 2.0 Sex Ed Crash Course
- This virtual book provides essential information about a wide variety of sexual health topics geared toward college students.
Maryville University - College Guide for LGBTQ+ Students
- Whether you need help navigating the college application process from start to finish or are looking for solutions and resources to a specific problem, this guide will provide valuable information that prospective LGBTQ+ students need to know about researching, applying to, and attending college.
- For Teens
- For College Students & Adults
- For Parents
- For Professionals
- For People with Disabilities
LGBTQIA+ Resources
- LGBTQIA+ Teens
- LGBTQIA+ College Students & Adults
- LGBTQIA+ Media
- Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQIA+ Youth
- Professional Resources for Working with LGBTQIA+ Youth
- LGBTQIA+ Hotlines
- LGBTQIA+ Terminology
- Virginia Statewide Sexual Health Resources
- Sexual Health and COVID-19
Oprah - 6 Ways to Respectfully Be a Better LGBTQ Ally
Being an ally requires education, advocacy, action, and a desire to learn from your mistakes. This article includes some guidance on how to be an LGBTQ ally.
Primed2 - A Sex Guide for Trans Men into Men
- A guide that includes important information about disclosure, developing sexual relationships, HIV and STIs, safer sex, and having sex.
SF Center - An LGBTQ Guide for Surviving the Holidays
- Offers coping strategies for LGBTQ youth interacting with families during the holidays.
Straight for Equality - Guide for being a “Straight” Ally
- Straight for Equality is a program developed by PFLAG National specifically created for people who want to stand up for LGBTQ+ equality but may not be sure how or even where they fit in. Straight for Equality invites, educates, and engages people who are not LGBTQ+ in supporting and advocating for LGBTQ+ equality in their homes, workplaces, and all of the communities where they live and belong.
The New York Times - Transgender Lives: Your Stories
- Features personal stories that reflect the strength, diversity, and challenges of the trans and non-binary community.
Therapist Damon - Trans Sex Activity Book
- A zine created by Damon Constantinides, PhD, LCSW, about sex and sexuality that uses both medical terminology for body parts and welcomes people to make up their own terms. It includes reflection activities related to boundary setting, safety during sex, and sexual pleasure.
Trans Student Education Resources (TSER)
- A youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender non-conforming students through advocacy and empowerment.
The Trevor Project - A Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth
- This is an introductory educational resource that covers a wide range of topics and best practices on how to support transgender and nonbinary people including the basics of gender, terminology, helpful tips to increase understanding, and what to do if you make a mistake.
Vox - Here’s what a good LGBTQ ally looks like
- A thoughtful article on what true allyship with the LGBTQ community looks like.
- For Teens
- For College Students & Adults
- For Parents
- For Professionals
- For People with Disabilities
LGBTQIA+ Resources
- LGBTQIA+ Teens
- LGBTQIA+ College Students & Adults
- LGBTQIA+ Media
- Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQIA+ Youth
- Professional Resources for Working with LGBTQIA+ Youth
- LGBTQIA+ Hotlines
- LGBTQIA+ Terminology
- Virginia Statewide Sexual Health Resources
- Sexual Health and COVID-19
The Washington Post - Call Yourself and LGBT Ally? Here’s How to Actually Be One
A personal essay on what it takes to be an ally to the LGBT community.
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