One of PPSENFL’s most important goals is to engage parents in the effort to help their teens develop healthy, responsible attitudes and practices related to sex and reproduction. PPSENFL knows that parents and caregivers are the primary sexuality educators of their children. To grow into sexually healthy adults, young people need skills and information to help them delay sexual activity and to protect themselves when they become sexually active.
Time For Your Teen is an online or in-person program that brings teens between 13-19 and their supportive adults together to learn how to share family values and strengthen bonds to talk about the tough stuff–such as sexual health. The purpose of the program is to promote healthy behaviors and reduce risk-taking among young people, breaking communication barriers, engaging in confidential parent-child interactions, and broaching sensitive topics that include their sexual health to support healthy decision-making.
Throughout the program, parents/caregivers and trusted adults will develop their skills in/understanding of (a) opening lines of communication with their child; (b) utilizing teachable moments; (c) new ways of communicating; (d) listening when discussing sensitive topics; (e) getting past roadblocks in talking about sex; and (f) helping youth make decisions about abstinence, contraception, and overall healthy relationships (romantic, peer, and trusted adults).