Sex Education
Let's talk about sex! Our health educators use a variety of fun, interactive, culturally informed techniques to engage all ages in both English and Spanish.
Book a Health Educator
Our health educators are trained professionals who bring fun, interactive, culturally competent, comprehensive sex education to our communities.
Health Training Institute
Join us in our mission to empower youth with medically accurate, inclusive, and comprehensive sex ed.
Support sex ed in the DMV
Your support helps us maintain and expand our education programs, ensuring that young people in our region receive the comprehensive, affirming, and medically accurate sex education they deserve.
Topics We Cover
Our health educators are equipped to teach classes on a wide variety of topics, including the following! Contact [email protected] for more information.
Other Education Programs
Spill The Tea
Spill the Tea is a meal series for women to gather and talk openly about gender norms and how they effect our abilities to make choices about our sexual health. We explore healthy relationships, gender norms, and sex-positive protection.
Between Us
Each Between Us workshop is a fun two-hour event for mom figures and their daughters to learn together about communication, relationships and reproductive health! We're flipping the "Talk" on its head, and making it fun for everyone involved!
Birth Control Educator Kits
Finally: a tool that makes educating young folks about birth control simple. Order yours today.
Book an Appointment
Or call 1-800-230-7526