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PPGNY invites you to sign up below for updates on Prop 1 (The New York ERA)!
PPGNY Action Fund hosts a variety of upcoming events and advocacy campaigns across New York State. Follow the link to learn more.
Right now, New York's State Constitution does not protect all New Yorkers–for example, pregnant people, women, LGBTQIA+ people, those with disabilities, older adults, and those from different countries and cultures. New York is leading a trend of states aiming to amend their constitution to protect citizens more robustly through state Equal Rights Amendments. New Yorkers will have the opportunity to vote on Prop 1 in November 2024 and, if approved, it will be added to the NY State Constitution.
PPGNY invites you to sign up below for updates on Prop 1 (The New York ERA)!
Our escorts work to ensure a safer entry and exit of our health centers for our patients without fear of organized protest, disruption or torment. Our program runs in the following health centers: NYC, Nassau County, Poughkeepsie, and Newburgh.
If you're interested in volunteering in NYC, please contact us at [email protected]. If you are in Nassau County, please contact Nicole Margiasso at [email protected]. If you're interested in volunteering in Poughkeepsie or Newburgh, please contact Jessica Vollaro at [email protected].
Your story can make a difference. Whether it's affordable birth control or the right to safe and legal abortion, tell us why our services matter to you.
We'll email you when there are opportunities to volunteer, rally, organize, and more!
Follow @PPGNYAct on social media to stay up to date on our issues and ways to get active!
The PPGNY Action Fund engages in educational and electoral activity, including issue advocacy, voter education, and grassroots organizing to promote Planned Parenthood's mission. Follow the link to learn more.
Or call 1-800-230-7526