It's Always the Right Time to Talk About Consent
Consent can be discussed before or when engaging in sexual activity. It lets both partners know whether there is agreement about doing any kind of sexual activity. Consent can be given or withdrawn at any time, so it’s important to keep the conversation going.
Before moving on to sexual stuff, like touching or exposing, make sure that the other person agrees on whatever is about to happen. If you’re unsure about how they feel, just ask!
Listen to the other person. It's important that the response is YES—without a doubt—before moving ahead. If there is doubt, reluctance or a NO, don’t move ahead.
In addition to listening for their answer, it's also important to pay attention to their body language and tone to see how they're feeling.
No Matter How You Ask...
No Matter How You Ask...
Just ask! So, how do you ask? It’s simple. Ask: “Can I [fill in the blank]?” or “Do you want me to do [fill in the blank]?” And listen for the answer.
Watch this video our Youth Health Promoters made that shows a variety of ways people have been known to ask.
Healthy Communication Starts with You
Respect and consent go hand in hand when it comes to getting down. Healthy communication means respecting each other’s feelings and not crossing the other person’s limits. When there is no consent, or doubt about whether there is consent, any attempt at sexual activity must stop immediately.
Learn About Consent
Learn more about sexual consent, how to talk about consent, and what to do if you know someone who was sexually assaulted.
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