Mental Health in Barre, VT
Mental health services are available at Barre Health Center. Contact the health center by booking an appointment or calling for more information.
Mental Health Services
Anxiety support and referrals
Depression support and referrals
Substance use support and referrals
Unhealthy relationship support and referrals
- stress
- sadness
- worry or anxiety
- coping skills
- relationships
- life transitions
- gender affirmation
- sexuality
- grief or loss
- family issues
Additional Services
Our patient support counselors provide free appointments for any existing patients. Schedule a free appointment to discuss:
Ready to schedule your appointment?
Ready to make an appointment?
Visit and Payment
Insurance information
Some services may be covered by your insurance. If you want to use your insurance, please be sure to have your insurance information at the time of your visit.
Medicaid, Medicaid Family Planning Benefits Program, and Medicaid for Pregnant Women accepted.
Access Plan accepted.
If you are uninsured, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance for your procedure. You can confidentially find out if you qualify by calling us at (802) 476-6696.
If you are eligible for financial assistance you may be asked to bring documentation with you to the health center.