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Young Friends of PPLM are people ages 21-35 dedicated to ensuring access to quality reproductive health care and sexual education.
Our goal is to create a group of philanthropic leaders who show up for PPLM now and into the future. Young Friends come together for events, grow the YF network by engaging their peers, and work together to secure vital funds that support mission and work of PPLM.
Young Friends Monthly Giving Levels
Young Friends commit to giving $10 or more through a monthly gift.
Young Friends benefits include:
- Invitations to exclusive YF and other PPLM events
- Discounted tickets to the annual Repro Party
- Information about PPAF gatherings
The Young Friends Steering Committee members commit to giving $25 or more through a monthly gift.
Steering Committee benefits include:
- Invitations to exclusive YF and other PPLM events
- Invitations to Steering Committee exclusive events
- Discounted tickets to the annual Repro Party
- Information about PPAF gatherings
- Leadership opportunities