How can I make sure I don’t get or spread molluscum contagiosum?
Molluscum contagiosum is easily spread through skin-to-skin contact during sex, even if you use condoms. The best way to avoid it is to not have sex with someone who has molluscum contagiosum.
How do I avoid getting molluscum contagiosum?
Molluscum contagiosum is contracted through skin-to-skin touching. So the best way to prevent it is to avoid sex or skin-to-skin contact with the growths on someone who has molluscum contagiosum.
If you notice growths on yourself or your partner, don’t have sex until you get treated or until the growths go away on their own. (When it comes to growths on genitals, treatment is usually the best way to go, since the bumps can take a long time to clear up.) Also avoid touching or sharing clothes and other objects with people you know are infected, until they finish their treatment.
Condoms are super great at preventing other STDs (like HIV), but they don’t really protect you from molluscum contagiosum because the virus may be on parts of the body that condoms don’t cover. But it’s still important to have safer sex by using condoms and getting tested regularly, so you can avoid other STDs.
Molluscum contagiosum may seem kind of scary, especially because it’s so easy to spread. But try not to stress out too much about getting it. The good news is it’s easy to treat and doesn’t cause serious health problems.
How can I avoid spreading molluscum contagiosum?
If you have molluscum contagiosum, don’t have sex until your bumps are gone. You may want to visit a doctor to have the bumps treated so they go away faster. And don’t share clothes or anything that may have touched your bumps until after your bumps are totally gone.
Don’t scratch or rub the growths, because that can help pass the virus to other people or other parts of your body. Be sure to wash your hands if you touch your bumps so you can stop them from spreading. You can also cover your sores completely with bandages or clothing to lower your chances of spreading molluscum contagiosum.