What are the symptoms of HIV & AIDS?
People with HIV don’t usually have symptoms right away, so they may not know they have it. It can be years before HIV makes you feel sick.
Early HIV symptoms
People usually look and feel totally healthy for a long time after they’re infected. It can take 10 years or more for HIV to show any symptoms — or much, much longer than that for people who take HIV medicines. That's why it's really important to get tested for HIV regularly, especially if you’ve had unprotected sex or shared needles. HIV treatment can help you stay healthy. Treatment can also lower or even stop your chances of spreading HIV to other people during sex.
The first 2-4 weeks after being infected with HIV, you may feel feverish, achy, and sick. These flu-like symptoms are your body’s first reaction to the HIV infection. During this time, there’s a lot of the virus in your system, so it’s really easy to spread HIV to other people. The symptoms only last for a few weeks, and then you usually don’t have symptoms again for years. But HIV can be spread to other people — whether or not you have symptoms or feel sick.
Later HIV/AIDS symptoms
HIV destroys cells in your immune system called CD4 cells or T cells. Without CD4 cells, your body has a hard time fighting off diseases. This makes you more likely to get really sick from infections that usually wouldn’t hurt you. Over time, the damage HIV does to your immune system leads to AIDS.
You have AIDS when you get rare infections (called opportunistic infections) or types of cancer, or if you’ve lost a certain number of CD4 cells. This usually happens about 10 years after getting HIV if you don’t get treatment. Treatment can delay or even prevent you from ever developing AIDS.
The signs of AIDS include:
Thrush (a thick, white coating on your tongue or mouth)
Sore throat
Bad yeast infections
Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
Getting bad infections a lot
Feeling really tired, dizzy, and lightheaded
Losing lots of weight quickly
Bruising more easily than normal
Having diarrhea, fevers, or night sweats for a long time
Swollen or firm glands in your throat, armpit, or groin
Deep, dry coughing spells
Feeling short of breath
Purplish growths on your skin or inside your mouth
Bleeding from the mouth, nose, anus, or vagina
Skin rashes
Feeling very numb in your hands or feet, losing control of your muscles and reflexes, not being able to move, and losing strength in your muscles