It’s possible to change your birth control ring schedule. One birth control ring has enough hormones in it to last for up to five weeks. So you have a few different options for ring schedules. You can choose to wear a ring for 3 weeks (21 days), 4 weeks (28 days), or 5 weeks (35 days). Then take it out for the next week (7 days) — that’s when you’ll get your period. After 7 ring-free days, put in a new ring. And if you don’t want to get your period, you can skip the ring-free days and put a new ring in after you take your old one out.
The main thing that makes the ring not work is not using it correctly. That means you’re more likely to get pregnant if you don’t put your new ring in on time, or if the ring is out of your vagina for more than two days (48 hours) during the weeks when you’re supposed to be wearing it. So if you take your old ring out and want to wait before putting a new ring in, use a backup method of birth control — like a condom — if you have vaginal sex.
Have more questions? Check out Spot On, our period and birth control tracking app. It can help you figure out a new ring schedule that’s right for you.