Our advocacy partners in Uganda are working to increase young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, ensure that local governments budget to provide these services, and reform the nation’s highly restrictive abortion law. They’re also fighting against the recent ban on comprehensive sex education signed last year through coalition-based advocacy.
On the health services side, our partners are working to expand access to youth-friendly services, long acting reversible birth control methods like the IUD, and safe abortion care within the law.
In 2015, Planned Parenthood Federation of America honored the Pearl of Africa, a unique documentary from the inside of the Ugandan LGBT movement. It follows Cleo, a transgender woman from Uganda, as she questions gender expression and identity, changes attitudes, and uncovers new realities apart from stigma and prejudice. Watch streaming episodes.
Watch below our partner the Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) participate in a popular national TV morning show to reach key decision makers and foster a public discussion of sexual and reproductive health, and specifically young people’s access to these services, including in schools.