Our Values
Read about our values on contraception, abortion, sex education, so-called "crisis pregnancy centers," and other issues important to women's health and rights. These statements also include reflections on current events affecting our communities.
Access to Contraception and Family Planning
The PPFA Clergy Advocacy Board strongly supports the availability of affordable birth control and government funding for family planning programs.
Religious Pluralism and Women's Health
As clergy representing diverse denominations and faith traditions, we find common ground in our respect for a woman's ability to make her own personal health care decisions without political or government intrusion.
Sex Education
As clergy, we have a responsibility to remind our congregations, our communities, and our elected leaders that our religious traditions view the body and our physical world as a sacred arena in which God acts.
Restrictions on Safe, Legal Abortion
A woman should never feel ashamed or judged when making the deeply personal and often complex decision about whether to choose adoption, end a pregnancy, or raise a child.
So-Called 'Crisis Pregnancy Centers'
The PPFA Clergy Advocacy Board strongly opposes so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” because of the biased and often inaccurate and misleading information they provide to women seeking honest information about birth control and abortion.