Planned Parenthood Launches New Video Series Narrated by Sasheer Zamata On Taking Care of Your Vulva and Vagina
For Immediate Release: Oct. 4, 2017
(Starring Some Cats)
New York, NY — Today, Planned Parenthood Federation of America launched its latest educational video series, created to help people understand how to care for their vulva and vagina. The three short videos, narrated by comedian Sasheer Zamata and featuring a cast of cats, answer some of the most common questions that Planned Parenthood gets from people about vaginas and vulvas.
The videos — “Meet Your Vagina and Vulva,” “Sex and Masturbation,” and “Keeping it Clean and Healthy” — explain the basics of caring for a vulva and vagina, including what the difference is between the two, what to know about masturbation and safer sex, why douching is a bad idea, why vaginal discharge is normal and healthy, and when you should talk to a health care provider. You can watch the entire series right meow here.
“We hope people have as much fun watching these new videos as we had making them,” said Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, chief medical officer at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “And we hope these videos help people understand how to care for their vagina and vulva. Online technology has created amazing opportunities for Planned Parenthood to reach people in new and different ways, and we are continually looking for innovative approaches to getting everyone the information and care they need to stay healthy and reach their life goals — whether that’s online, on their phone, or in a health center. We’re here to provide honest, accurate information about bodies, sex, and sexuality without shame, stigma, or judgment — no matter what.”
The new “Taking Care of Your ‘Pussy’” video series joins Planned Parenthood’s other educational video series about how to give and get consent as well as how to talk with a partner about safer sex, STD testing, and disclosing an STD.
“I didn't hesitate when Planned Parenthood asked me to be a part of these videos,” said comedian Sasheer Zamata. “I think it's important for people to understand their bodies and feel comfortable talking about their sexual health, and Planned Parenthood is one of the best places to get more information on all of that. And I'm happy to do what I can to keep those kitties purring.”
Looking for more information on vulvas and vaginas? Planned Parenthood provides accurate, nonjudgmental information on our website at as well as on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also live chat or text (774636) with a health educator for instant support on questions about birth control, emergency contraception, pregnancy tests, or STDs. And for anyone who wants to understand their menstrual cycle, Planned Parenthood’s free birth control and period tracker app SpotOn helps people track and predict their periods, understand their menstrual cycle, and manage their birth control methods, as well as provide guidance, tips, and fun facts from Planned Parenthood experts.
“While it might be uncomfortable for some people to talk about their bodies or sexual health, it’s important not to let embarrassment or anxiety get in the way of taking the best possible care of yourself,” added Dr. McDonald-Mosley. “The experts at your local Planned Parenthood health center can answer any questions or concerns you may have, and they’ve heard it all. You can ask us anything.”
For over 100 years, Planned Parenthood has helped educate and inform people about their bodies. As the nation’s leading provider and advocate of women’s health care, Planned Parenthood knows women’s health like no one else. One in five women has turned to Planned Parenthood at some point in her life for affordable, high-quality health care and compassionate, confidential information and advice.
You can visit Planned Parenthood health centers and our websites to get more information about any aspect of your sexual health. To learn more or make an appointment at your local Planned Parenthood health center right meow, visit
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With more than 600 health centers across the country, Planned Parenthood affiliates serve all patients with care and compassion, with respect and without judgment. Through health centers, programs in schools and communities, and online resources, Planned Parenthood is a trusted source of reliable health information that allows people to make informed health decisions. We do all this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthier lives.