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2022 Safe Healthy Strong Workshops

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Tuesday, April 19

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session A-1
It's OK to Say Fat! 

This workshop will explore how sexual violence and anti-fatness intersect and will examine the history and evolution of the body positivity movement across popular culture and within SV prevention work. The workshop will illuminate the need to confront and eradicate harmful norms that continue ostracize and harm BIPOC, fat, queer, and disabled folks.  (Sarah Curley, WCASA)

Concurrent Session A-2
Storytelling During the Abortion Access Crisis

Abortion bans and restrictions vary state-by-state, but they're all part of an ongoing effort to outlaw abortion completely in the United States. Your voice matters! Storytelling is a powerful way to decrease stigma and center lived experiences in the movement for reproductive freedom. At a time when abortion rights across the country are being stripped and Roe vs Wade is in danger, join us to learn how to effectively tell your story.  (Maryanne Radley and Joella Striebel, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin)

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session B-1
Sex Trafficking vs. Sex Work: Understanding the Difference

Sex work and sex trafficking are often misconstrued and inaccurately identified. During this workshop we will work towards defining sex work and sex trafficking, differentiating between them, and addressing the overlap between the two. Harm reduction techniques and tools will also be covered during the workshop. (Haya Khateeb, Reach Counselling)

Concurrent Session B-2
Pregnant Pause: Sexuality in the Childbearing Year

The childbearing year can be a wild ride for birthing parents of all genders. When sexual problems arise during those 12-ish months, it can be difficult to know the source. Is this a physiological issue, resulting from the typical changes of pregnancy or birth? Or is it an emotional issue, just another complication of the radical hormone shifts that are often present in pregnant and postpartum people? We will talk about the typical (and fascinating!) anatomical and hormonal changes that take place throughout the childbearing year and their potential impact on sexual health and function. (Lucky Tomasczyk, Transitions Birth Services)

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Session C-1
¿Que es una doula? Como mejorar la experiencia de tu parto

Los participantes conoceran a dos tipos de cuidados de Doula, el apoyo emocional que ofrecemos, información basada en evidencia cientifica, apoyo practico, y apoyo a la pareja. La presentacion dara un ejemplo de la evoulcion en el tiempo de los cuidados de Doula. (Matilde Cachiguango, Roots4Change (R4C) Coop)

Wednesday, April 20

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Note: There are no English language sessions on April 20 so that people can attend the PATCH Symposium. Find more information here: www.wipatch.org

Session D-1
Nutrición, ciclo mesntrual y fertilidad

Ciclo menstrual un signo vital y su importancia (4 fases). Importancia de la alimentación en el ciclo menstrual
¿Qué tipo de dietas causan desbalances hormonales?
Patologías del ciclo menstrual 
•    Síndrome Ovario Poliquístico 
•    Amenorrea
•    Endometriosis
•    Tiroides 
Uso de anticonceptivos en patologías del ciclo menstrual
Consecuencias del uso de anticonceptivos
¿Por qué los anticonceptivos no son efectivos para tratar trastornos hormonales?
Como la nutrición juega un papel fundamental en estas patologías 
Nutrición y fertilidad
 (Maria Danela Pinos Velasco, Universidad Católica)

Thursday, April 21

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session E-1
Sex Ed is Power: Guidelines for Providing Liberation in Sexual Health

This workshop explores the influences of individual sexual health and wellness, and the qualities community members should look for when identifying and accessing Sexual/Reproductive services that will provide an affirming and liberating experience. We will be discussing the moral roots of humanity, personal values, anthropological human sexuality, and systemic/individual factors that influence behavior and different frameworks and methods of providing Sexual/Reproductive services that are necessary for creating an affirming and liberating experience for all people. (Eddie Cannedy, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin)

Concurrent Session E-2
Expect Respect

The Expect Respect program uses creative and experiential learning activities to prevent violence and promote healthy relationships. These interactive wellness groups are targeted for grades 3-5 and 6-12. The program utilizes three core program strategies to facilitate youth leadership development. Activities are designed to create an emotionally safe environment, facilitate connections and support, promote healing, and provide an opportunity to learn and practice new relationship skills. (Rashidah Butler-Jackson, Samantha Collier, TeamTeal365)

2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 


Concurrent Session F-1
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Can Do So Much More  Harm: HIV Stigma and How it Affects HIV Prevention and Care

Join us as we explore ways HIV stigma can show up, as well as the ways it impacts HIV prevention and care work. We will talk about how to support People Living with HIV (PLWH) while still providing HIV prevention messaging in a way that doesn't further stigmatize PLWH. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of where stigma shows up and ideas of how to stop perpetuating it in our work. (Anthony Harris, Diverse and Resilient)

Concurrent Session F-2
The Fun Way to Teach Consent

Drawing from the workshop exercises and content of the recently released book Creating Consent Culture: A Handbook for Educators, author Erica Scott will explain some concepts such as moving from a permissive to a collaborative model of consent, talking about the difference between wanting, willing and tolerating, trauma informed consent education, the freeze response, and what to do when you’re a “maybe.” Participants will experience some fun, interactive exercises which can be used teach embodied consent skills. (Erica Scott, Creating Consent Culture)

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Session G-1
Fomentemos un crecimiento saludable y el camino hacia una vida más sana 

Hablaremos sobre la importancia de educar a los padres para lograr un estilo de vida saludable a través de la nutrición. La importancia de alimentar y transmitir ese conocimiento a los niños a una edad temprana fomenta el crecimiento saludable y el camino hacia una vida más saludable. Compartiremos ejemplos desde la selección de comidas saludables hasta recetas de bajo presupuesto, alto contenido nutricional y preparación rápida que facilita la interacción entre padres e hijos. (Aracely Portillo, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension)

Tuesday, April 26

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session H-1
Culture, Sex & Systems

This workshop explores racism, homophobia, colorism, and pop culture as determinants for access to sexual health care and attitudes about sexual health. Various systemic structures shape the way people look at and engage sex and sexuality, specifically among Black, Queer communities. We will discuss and analyze the different health outcomes because of these systems and the culture of violence they create. The topics expressed in this workshop will be carried out through hands-on exercises, role play, and video references. (Tammaka Staley, Youth Affirming Sex Education (YASÉ)

Concurrent Session H-2
The P.O.W.E.R. of Consent: A Sexual Abuse Prevention Program

Learn about The P.O.W.E.R. of Consent, a sexual abuse prevention program that provides a process to ensure that sex is consensual. The model also serves as an evidence-based approach for investigations of sexual abuse. This advanced level workshop will provide a brief review of how to define sexual abuse and identify ways abuse impacts survivors. Participants will then learn the five elements of the P.O.W.E.R. model for consent and best practices for implementation. (LaToya Bates, Wounded Wings: Association for the Betterment of Women and Girls)

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session I-1
Dismantling Anti-Fat Bias

Messaging about the “obesity epidemic” has plagued us for decades - but how much has it impacted our cultural perception of fat bodies? Join us in exploring and unpacking the ways in which anti-fat rhetoric has created biases in all of us. We’ll discuss the Health at Every Size approach, the conflation of size and health, the harms of anti-fatness - both medically and socially, and what allyship looks like in our daily lives. (Alyssa Lentz, Jeriney Rhone, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin)

Concurrent Session I-2
Youth Work in Community Advocacy: The PATCH Model

Participants in this session will receive an introduction to the Providers and Teens Communicating for Health (PATCH) program Youth Advocacy Fellowship model. The purpose of this branch of the program is to aid in teaching and engaging youth in advocacy at various levels, most commonly in health advocacy at the community level. A real-life example will be presented by a youth who is currently enrolled in the program. 
(Faith Tiwaloluwa Ogungbe, Providers and Teens Communicating for Health (PATCH)

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Session J-1
Alimentacion durante el embarazo

Concientizaremos sobre los efectos de la alimentación durante el embarazo para disminuir complicaciones a corto y largo plazo tanto para mamá y bebé en un charla de 90 minutos dejando espacio para responder preguntas. Utilizando ejemplos de alimentos y guía gráfica, aclararemos mitos sobre alimentación y embarazo. (Carmen Lucia Carajal Arizaga)

Wednesday, April 27

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 

Concurrent Session K-1
My Journey to Advocacy

This workshop will focus on networking, organizing within marginalized communities, navigating community visibility, representation, education, and health as a black womxn of trans experience. I will cover different areas, and give insight into my work as an advocate, organizer, social media ambassador, writer, model, and creative, as well as my work for Planned Parenthood of WI Gender Affirming Services, as The Inclusion Health Program Specialist. This workshop seeks to encourage other trans and nonbinary people to explore where self-advocacy and an absence of diverse, and socio-cultural competent voices can lead them on their individual journeys as people who want to work towards creating change in the community. I would also like to introduce my work and share personal insight into the career I'm building as an independent advocate, organizer, activist, and consultant, and how others can do the same by leveraging their gifts, resources, and relational networks. I urge more community-based organizations, nonprofits, and educational institutions, and businesses to invest in their own diversity and inclusion, specifically by hiring, contracting, connecting, resource building, creating avenues of education training and opportunity trans nonbinary, people directly as the ways we continue to break barriers and shift the dynamics of patriarchal power and how we can better support our frontline community workers, organizers, and leaders. There will also be historic ties represented with major movements and context given to the necessity of black womxn led leadership. I will speak and use photos and videos in this presentation. 
(Elle Hill, Inclusion Health Consultant, PPWI)

Concurrent Session K-2
Beyond 50 Shades of Gray: Destigmatizing Kink, Fetishes, and BDSM

This workshop will teach basic concepts about a taboo community to increase knowledge for all participants at all skill levels. We will explore common stereotypes about kink/fetishes and BDSM and how those create shame and stigma for those who participate in this community, then spend time looking at how consent and safety are an essential tenant for all involved with kink and BDSM. We will explore some commonly used terms to help participants gain an understanding of how vast and intricate this community is. This presentation will provide positive views of kink and BDSM in hopes of creating a sex positive approach to help adults explore their sexualities. (Emily Aytes, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands, Indiana and Kentucky)

1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 

Concurrent Session L-1
Strategies for Responding to LGBTQ+ Micro-Aggressions

In this 90-minute workshop, participants will have the opportunity to explore and identify LGBTQ+ microaggressions, and strategies for responding in the moment if you or a learner commit one. We will define microaggressions as they relate to the LGBTQ+ community, describe “yellow flag” language, and discover ways to apply the CPR model if you commit a microaggression. We will also explore the learner-focused AED framework, which can be used when a learner commits a microaggression and an immediate response is needed. (Paige McCleod, Spark*ED, PPGNHAIK)

Concurrent Session L-2
Becoming an Internet Big Sister: Using the Unique Power of Social Media for Providing Accessible Sex Education

In this workshop, Lily Frascotti will share her story of becoming a popular TikTok creator who provides accessible, entertaining sex education to people all over the world. Lily will show several of her own videos as well as examples created by other sex education professionals who also educate people through social media. Participants will learn how 3-minute TikTok vignettes can be used to provide invaluable information to those who may not otherwise have access to inclusive sex education. Participants will learn how to create their own TikTok account as a vehicle for delivering information about sexual and reproductive health and will discuss strategies to maximize impact. (Lily Frascotti, Instagram and TikTok Content Creator)

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Session M-1
Derechos de los Inmigrantes, derechos reproductivos y justicia reproductiva ¿Que significa esto?

Tengamos una conversación sobre salud y justicia reproductiva y el trabajo que estamos haciendo en las comunidades latinas. La inseguridad diaria de no saber qué pasará mañana con nuestras familias es un estrés permanente que afecta su salud física y mental. ¿Cuáles son los recursos que podemos dar a nuestra comunidad para mantenerlos seguros y saludables? ¿Qué políticas se están implementando para apoyar a las comunidades inmigrantes y qué más podemos hacer para apoyar la lucha? (Janet Serrano, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin)

Thursday, April 28

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session N-1
A History of Sex Ed in the United States

For over a century, sexuality education has been a particularly important and controversial public health and education issue in the United States. In this workshop we will discuss topics including the first sex ed class in 1913 in Chicago; the foundation of Planned Parenthood, SIECUS and the Guttmacher Institute; the introduction of the birth control pill; and how educators and health professionals can be involved in current policy change. (Beth Williams-Breault, Sex Ed Solutions)

Concurrent Session N-2
Communicating about the future of abortion access in Wisconsin

In December of 2021, the US Supreme Court heard arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a challenge to Mississippi’s abortion ban that threatens to dismantle Roe v. Wade. This is the most consequential abortion rights cases in generations, as it is the first time in 50 years the Court has agreed to hear a case on the constitutionality of a pre-viability abortion ban. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion will immediately become a crime in states that have laws on the books that pre-date the Roe decision, including Wisconsin. This workshop will provide details about current legal and policy threats to abortion access, the trajectory these threats may take based on how the US Supreme Court decides the Jackson Women's Health case, and how PPWI is working to serve patients and communities in the face of these threats. (Mike Murray, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin)

2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Concurrent Session O-1
Unspoken: Because I Wasn’t Supposed to Tell

Candace Sanchez, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, is working change the narrative on taboo topics of child abuse and sexual molestation by sparking difficult and uncomfortable conversations to promote healing. Candace will share how she overcame the unimaginable. Her goal is to encourage anyone who might suspect that a child needs help to act. How can we ask direct questions with a safe and secure intent? (Candace Sanchez, Author, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach)

Concurrent Session O-2
Simplifying Trauma Informed Practice: Transforming Patient Care into Patient

The workshop will clarify what trauma informed practice means in the context of a health care setting while addressing common misconnections. Participants will receive practical tools for integrating this perspective into patient interactions by challenging providers to view common medical questions with a trauma informed lens. Cultivating a clinic environment that is trauma informed does not need to be complicated. It is a simple shift in the way we view our interactions. When we approach patient interaction with a deep, internalized understanding of trauma processes and acceptance of the power dynamics between patients and providers, we have a powerful opportunity to impact the lives of those we serve. (Katie Kordsmeier, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin)

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Session P-1
¡PAUSA! La intimidad no es tabú

Conducta sexual, placer y el cuerpo (masturbación, juguetes sexuales, prácticas sexuales fuera de lo convencional (kink), fetichismo, BDSM, etc.) (Sonia Tellez, Promotra de Salud, PPWI)


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