We provide youth-serving professionals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to have effective, medically accurate, age-appropriate sexuality conversations with young people. Participants will have the opportunity to acquire the most up-to-date information and resources regarding sexuality, explore their own values around sexuality, and participate in skill-building opportunities.
Trainings are designed to meet the needs of your organization and staff, including the duration of the training, the topics covered, and the fee.
Frequently covered topics include:
The development of sexuality over the lifespan
Anatomy and reproduction
Pregnancy prevention and contraceptive methods
Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs), including their transmission, treatment, and prevention
Identifying healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, and defining affirmative consent
Tips for having balanced conversations about sexuality with youth
Effective ways to answer challenging questions from youth
Teach back opportunities in a safe learning environment to build skills as a sexuality education teacher or facilitator