Your Health Care
On Your Own Terms
Finding a reproductive health care provider that meets your needs can be challenging. Planned Parenthood is here to help.
Open 7 Days a Week
You shouldn't have to wait months to have your reproductive health care needs addressed. That's why our Orange and San Bernardino County health centers are open every day of the week.
Expert, Compassionate Providers
Our providers at Planned Parenthood are experts in delivering high-quality, compassionate reproductive health care. They're dedicated to making patients feel seen and heard, finding solutions for each individual's needs.
Same-Day Care & Treatment
Sometimes, you need treatment right away. Planned Parenthood offers same-day and walk-in appointments for fast relief from issues like UTIs, yeast infections, and more.
Find a Health Center
Locate your nearest Planned Parenthood health center.
What Our Patients Say About Us
“They are great, professionals, and respectful. I had a great experience. It was very clean and nice. They have a good staff. The doctor had good communication, and they talk about all your options and referrals.”
- Belen G.
“The staff is always kind, compassionate, and gentle-- and the services are always quick, comfortable, and easy. Clean and warm facility, quicker times compared to other locations, and an extremely approachable & empathetic staff. Would highly recommend anyone in need to visit.”
- Victoria S.
“I always have a good experience at Planned Parenthood. They're kind, efficient, and treat me with respect. From antibiotics to preventative medicine, my healthcare needs are always met.”
- Haley D.
Book an Appointment
Or call 1-800-230-7526