It’s safe for you to stop wearing masks and socially distancing in most situations once you’re fully vaccinated (2 weeks after your final dose).
Once you’re fully vaccinated:
It’s safe to go back to doing most activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet away from others.
Vaccinated people still need to follow all state, local, tribal, or territorial rules, as well as workplace and business guidelines. So if a store, venue, or office asks you to wear a mask, you should wear one.
Vaccinated people still need to wear masks while traveling and on public transportation (like planes, trains, buses, and in stations and airports).
You can travel within the U.S. without getting tested or self-quarantining.
All international travelers must take additional precautions, like getting tested for COVID-19 before flying back to the U.S. and 3-5 days after travel. International travel can increase your risk for COVID-19, even if you’re vaccinated, because the spread of new or more dangerous COVID-19 variants differs depending on the country. Read more about guidelines for international travel.
You don’t have to quarantine or get tested for COVID-19 after being in contact with someone who has COVID-19, unless you have symptoms or live or work in a prison or homeless shelter.
Talk with your nurse or doctor if you have a condition or are taking medicine that affects your immune system. You may need to keep taking all precautions to avoid COVID-19 — like wearing masks and social distancing — even after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
Research shows that the vaccine works very well to prevent death and serious illness from COVID-19 — so if you’re fully vaccinated, it’s extremely unlikely that you will get very sick or die from COVID-19. But scientists are still learning more about how the vaccine protects you and others who are not vaccinated. There are different variants (AKA strains) of COVID-19, and the vaccine may protect against some strains better than others. Scientists also don’t know exactly how long the vaccine works to prevent COVID-19.
There’s a very small chance that people who’ve had the vaccine can still spread the virus and get other people sick, even if they don’t get sick themselves. And there are still many people who haven’t been vaccinated, but could get sick and even die from COVID-19. So even if you’re vaccinated, you can help keep everyone safe by taking other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 — like wearing masks on public transportation, and following state, local, workplace, and business rules around masks and social distancing,
You can read more about the current guidelines for vaccinated people on the CDC website
Remember: it usually takes a few weeks after you finish getting your vaccine(s) for your body to build immunity (protection) against COVID-19 — that means it’s still possible to get sick from COVID-19 between, or right after, your vaccines. So keep taking the same steps to protect yourself and others as unvaccinated people do, until at least 2 weeks after your final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.