Take Action in Delaware
Planned Parenthood of Delaware is committed to working with volunteers, supporters and partners on the local, state and national level on sexual and reproductive health issues.
The foundation for the PPDE public policy agenda is based on three ideas:
- Equal access to all forms of sexual and reproductive health care -- Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income, religion, age, citizenship, geographic location, physical challenges, or other characteristics.
- Equal access to comprehensive, age-appropriate, research-based sex education -- Including encouragement of a healthy dialogue between parents/caregivers and young people.
- Equal treatment with dignity and respect -- It is the obligation of medical providers, including doctors and pharmacists, to provide the most comprehensive medical information available and respect patient confidentiality.
Join a PPDE Auxiliary Group
These grassroots groups are a great way to get involved in supporting reproductive rights and freedoms in our community and meet other supporters at the same time.
- Generation Action -- Generation Action is the college campus activism group. This group currently exists at University of Delaware, and we hope to spread to other campuses soon.
- Young Advocates -- This group is for folks in their 20s and 30s who are interested in combining activism with fun social events.
- Clergy for Choice -- Members of this group of active and retired religious leaders advocate for the right of women and men to make informed, morally responsible choices about their reproductive lives.
- Republicans for Choice -- This group provides a place for pro-choice Republicans to network and organize around the important issue of protecting women's health.
If you are interested in finding out more about any of these groups, please call 302-655-7297.
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