What happens in the fifth month of pregnancy?
When you’re 5 months pregnant, your fetus develops soft body hair and a greasy coating that helps protect the skin.
What happens during weeks 17 - 18?
The fetus has a CRL of 5.5–6 inches (14–15 cm).
What happens during week 19 - 20?
The fetus has a CRL of about 6.5 inches (16 cm). Lanugo — a fine downy hair — covers the body. The skin is also covered with vernix caseosa, a greasy material that protects the skin. A uterus forms in a biologically female fetus.
What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the fifth month?
People usually feel fetal movements for the first time during the fifth month. It may feel like flutters or butterflies in your stomach. This is sometimes called quickening.
The pregnancy symptoms of the fourth month continue this month. Heartburn, constipation, breast changes, dizziness, shortness of breath, nose bleeds, and gum bleeding are common. Your breasts may be as much as 2 cup sizes bigger by now.