Considering Pregnancy
When is the right time to have a baby?
Becoming a parent is a big deal, and there’s a lot to think about. Everyone’s situation is different, but the decision is personal and only you can know when you’re ready.
Why do people decide to become parents?
Parenting can be joyful, rewarding, and life-changing — many parents say it’s the best decision they ever made. The loving bond you share with your kids and the pride you take in your child’s accomplishments can be really fulfilling.
Raising a child not only takes a lot of love, it also takes a lot of energy and patience. Your child’s needs will change constantly as they grow. As a parent, your job is to figure out what your child needs to live a happy and healthy life, and do your best to help make it happen.
Raising a child can be easier to handle if you have realistic ideas about what it means to be a parent.
Can I meet all of my child’s needs?
Even though it can be fun and satisfying, parenting is also super hard. Children depend on you for EVERYTHING, including food, shelter, safety, affection, love, and guidance.
Ask yourself if you have what you need to take care of a child, like:
Time — raising children is a super-important full-time job, and it can impact your other plans and goals.
Energy and care — children need parents who are loving, patient, and involved.
Planning — raising a child takes day-to-day planning and long-term planning for all the stages of your child's life.
Material things and money — children need clothes, diapers, food, health care, day care, etc.
Parents have to give up a lot for their children, and meeting your child’s needs can be frustrating and challenging. People who are raising kids usually get less sleep and don’t have as much time to do things they need and want to do. Having a baby is expensive, and many people find parenting hard financially.
Most people don’t realize how much work raising a child takes until they’ve actually experienced it. Talking with other parents about the joys and struggles of parenting can help you figure out if you’re ready to raise a child.
When should I have a baby?
Even though a lot of people expect to recognize the “perfect time” to have a baby, the reality is the timing may never feel totally perfect. But certain points in our lives are usually better than others to become a parent — like when you know you can meet your child’s needs and give them a loving and healthy home.
It’s normal to have lots of different feelings about whether you’re ready to take on the challenge of parenting. Here are some things to think about:
Am I ready to be totally responsible for all of my child’s needs?
Will I be able to raise my child in a safe and healthy environment?
Can I afford to raise a child right now?
Who will I raise a child with? How will we share the work of parenting?
How much support will I have from my family and friends?
What would having a baby right now mean for my future?
How would having a baby right now affect my family?
Is someone pressuring me to become a parent?
Am I ready to go through pregnancy and childbirth?
Will I be able to take care of my health and get prenatal care in order to have a healthy pregnancy and child?
Parenting is a lifelong commitment. So no matter when you decide to become a parent, you’ve got to be totally sure it’s what you want to do for a very long time.