Becoming a YHP
We are hiring in Albany!
We are the Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) Youth Health Promoters (YHPs). It is our job to help spread sexual health awareness among the youth of our community and be an example in our daily lives. Being able to approach people freely and talk comfortably about sexual health is the heart of our job. We are looking for young people in Albany and Hudson to join our team.
This job begins with a training period in which you will learn about all areas of sex and sexuality including anatomy, HIV/AIDS and STDs, contraception (birth control), healthy communication skills, reproductive health, and the services offered at Planned Parenthood. As a youth health promoter, we help to lower teen pregnancy and STD rates in our community by distributing condoms, doing outreach in the local community and online through social media, presenting educational activities and programs, and providing resources and information to the youth of our community.
If you are a high school aged person (14-21 years old) who values sexual health education, access to sexual health resources, and sexual health awareness- please apply by filling out the attached application (please be sure to fill out the full application) and returning it to Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood at 855 Central Ave. Albany, NY, or by email to [email protected]. Call 518.434.5678, ext. 6139 for more information. If you have applied and are selected for an interview, you should hear from us within 2 weeks. Please also note that the position of Youth Health Promoter has a term limit of two years and the position cannot be held for longer than this two year duration.
The UHPP Youth Health Promoter team