Our Education Department offers education and professional assistance to schools, youth groups, community agencies and more. More than 500 community education programs are provided to over 6,000 community members each year.
Requesting a Program
To request a program, or to speak with someone regarding Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood's educational programs and resources, send us an email, or give us a call at 434-5678 ext. 6137.
Featured Programs
Some of our featured programs include: parent/child puberty workshops, birth control update, healthy relationships and decision making, STD updates working with special needs populations, and working with GLBTQ youth.
Complete Listing of Offered Programs
UHPP sexual health presentations and workshops include such topics as:
Abstinence | Adolescent Sexuality | Contraceptive Methods (Birth Control) | Healthy Relationships | Consent and Boundaries | HIV & AIDS | Male & Female Anatomy | Male Sexual Health Issues | Parent/Child Communication about Healthy Sexuality | Planned Parenthood History & Services | Pregnancy & Birth | Puberty | Reproductive Health | Reproductive Rights | Safer Sex | Sexual Orientation | Sexuality & Media Literacy | Sexually Transmitted Infections | Teenage Pregnancy Prevention