Professional Development
Request a Training
Professional development trainings can be tailored to meet the needs of specific agencies, organizations and schools. Professional Trainings can be requested on-site, as part of a conference, or at requested agency locations. Trainings range from half-day updates to several-day, intensified, activity-based, practicum trainings. Rates for professional trainings vary according to topic, materials prepared, curricula development needs, and length of training presentations.
To request a professional training or for more information about how UHPP may assist you with your training needs, please contact the UHPP Education Department at (518) 434-5678 x6142, or send us an email.
Recent Trainings
Recent professional development trainings have included: Birth Control Update, Adolescents and Sexual Health Issues, STIs Update, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Working with LGBT Youth, Adolescent Development, and New Issues in Sexual Health. Newly published sexual health curricula are also highlighted and utilized in professional trainings.
Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood Education staff also serve regular as guest faculty for Albany Medical College Family Practice, Physician Assistant Program, and Department of Psychiatry at Albany Medical College training doctors, nurses, and medical students.