Youth programs build future leaders by giving teenagers reliable information about reproductive and sexual health that they can share with their friends and family, and connect youth with resources to stay healthy and make a difference in their community. Education programs for youth range from the opportunity to become a peer educator—sharing valuable reproductive health information to peers and family—to receiving tailored individual education about a variety of reproductive health topics. Participants receive reliable, accurate information they need to make responsible decisions and stay healthy. Parental permission is required for all youth programs.
Sex Education in Minnesota
Trained educators throughout Minnesota provide sex education to youth and adults in their communities. Planned Parenthood is committed to providing sex education that is nonjudgmental, medically accurate, and culturally responsive. Culturally specific education programming helps to remove barriers to growing healthier communities. All programming is free.
Programs for Youth
Programs for Adults
Adult program participants attend educational sessions on healthy sexuality and reproductive health and become trusted resources for information and education in their communities. Education programs for adults range from offering the chance to get valuable training on reproductive health to empowering parents to be their child’s primary sexuality educator. Participants build confidence about sexual health issues and become resources for their families and communities.
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