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Learn about ways you can support access to sexual and reproductive healthcare, education and advocacy now and in the future.
View our Newsletter + Annual Report to learn more about MBPP.
Take Action
The majority of Americans agree that we each have the right to full access to the information and services we need to make safe and responsible decisions about sex and reproduction. Elected officials listen to their constituents, so it is important that we use every opportunity to make our voices heard on important reproductive rights issues. Check out Planned Parenthood Advocates of Greater Washington and North Idaho (PPAGWNI). PPAGWNI is a voter education project that provides information about voting, elections, and candidates for public office.
From teens to seniors, our diverse group of energetic volunteers donates thousands of hours of time each year and are crucial to helping Planned Parenthood provide, promote and protect reproductive freedom and access to reproductive and sexual healthcare. Learn more about volunteering with MBPP.