Telehealth Visits for Sexual Health Concerns
It’s totally normal to have questions about sex and your body. You know your body best, if something doesn’t feel right, you can have a telehealth appointment to discuss what’s going on.
Whether it hurts or something doesn't feel right, we’re here to talk through any sexual and reproductive health concerns you have on your mind.
Stop searching - get care now!
Get your question and concerns answered by an expert - not the internet.
Sexual Health Concerns Services
Services for people with a vagina:
- Concerns about sex drive (little or no interest in sex)
- Concerns about changes in sensation
- Problems with decreased vaginal lubrication (vaginal dryness)
- Difficulty having orgasms (cumming or climaxing)
- Experiencing pain during sex
Services for people with a penis:
- Difficulty getting or keeping an erection (staying hard); erectile dysfunction
- Concerns about ejaculation (cumming before you want to, or difficulty finishing)
Book an Appointment
Or call 1-800-230-7526