Never Backing Down
In the fight for reproductive rights, Planned Parenthood will never back down. Not when fundamental freedoms are threatened, and bodily autonomy is at risk. We stand behind your choices because we believe every person should control their body, life, and future.
You stand with us, and we stand with you. Join the fight for reproductive freedom.
6 Ways to Stand for Reproductive Freedom
Your gift will help support clinic services, comprehensive sex education programs, and ensure access to health care.
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Share Your Story
Your story matters, and it’s critical to help our work. Whether you’re a patient or supporter, your story helps demonstrate the importance of Planned Parenthood and bodily autonomy:
Become a Patient
Get the care you need and support a mission you believe in. We're in-network for most insurance, and your visit strengthens Planned Parenthood and our ability to provide care to others.
Join the more than 1,500 volunteers and interns in our region who help strengthen our mission and work.
Work with Us
When you work for Planned Parenthood, you join a team of passionate professionals dedicated to providing and protecting bodily autonomy.
This space is for you.
At Planned Parenthood, we create a space for everyone to receive high-quality, expert health care - whether you have insurance or not.
From birth control to mental health, in-person or by telehealth, we're here to support you on your personal path to better health, because this space is for you.
How Your Visit Helps
At Planned Parenthood, you get expert sexual and reproductive health care. We accept insurance, and your visit helps strengthen our ability to provide care to others. Each new patient strengthens our organization so we can continue providing leading-edge sexual and reproductive health care to our communities. By coming to us for care and getting your birth control directly through Planned Parenthood, you help us ensure everyone can access high quality, affordable care.
Book an Appointment
Or call 1-800-230-7526