This study aimed to make it easier and more convenient to get abortion pills through mail instead of having to go to a Planned Parenthood health center for an in-person appointment
TelAbortion Study
Planned Parenthood North Central States is working to expand access to abortion care. If you are pregnant and seeking an abortion, we offer medical abortion via telemedicine, where you connect with a provider by video, then receive abortion medications by mail.
This study has now concluded.
TeleAbortion Study Results
Planned Parenthood North Central States is proud to have been a site for the TelAbortion Study.
The goal of this study was to create a more convenient, patient-centered method of abortion where patients can obtain their medical abortion pills by mail (without needing an in person appointment at a Planned Parenthood health center).
The study was approved by an ethics board and was coordinated by a nonprofit research organization.
This research found that direct-to-patient telemedicine abortion service is safe, effective, efficient, and satisfactory. This study also confirmed medical abortion using telemedicine and mail is effective and can be safely provided without a pretreatment ultrasound. You can learn more about results published the journal of Contraception here.
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