Ohio Center for Sex Education
Are you age 14 to 19 AND interested in educating your friends about safer sex and reducing teen pregnancies? Do you need community service hours for graduation? Join the Peer Education Program! Fill out this form to apply.
Are you an adult who is proficient in Spanish, with a working history and knowledge of the Latin/e/x/o/a community, and interested in helping your community learn more about sexual health? Would you like to learn how to be a trusted resource for your community and peers? Join the Embajadores de Salud program! Fill out this form to apply.
¿Es usted un adulto que domina el español, con un historial laboral y conocimiento de la comunidad latina/e/x/o/a, y tiene interés en ayudar a su comunidad a aprender más sobre la salud sexual? ¿Le gustaría aprender cómo convertirse en un recurso de confianza para su comunidad? ¡Únase al programa Embajadores de Salud! Complete este formulario para aplicar.
Did you know people ages 13 to 24 accounted for 22% of all new HIV diagnoses in 2015?
Did you know 55% of young people have their first sexual experience between ages 15 and 19?
Did you know nearly 40% of sexually active students did not use a condom the last time they had sex?