Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York’s Teen Reality Theatre just released the fourth and final episode of The Reflection: An Audio Drama. Originally conceived as a full-length play, The Reflection represents two years of collaboration between youth in TRT, PPCWNY staff, and other professional artists in the Buffalo area. Prior to March of 2020 this podcast was envisioned as a full-length play—youth in TRT are paid, professional actors and theatre artists who devise and produce theatre as a form of peer education. After COVID halted in-person performances, TRT explored alternative platforms for artistic expression: producing skits on Zoom, recording short pieces for posting on social media, and most recently, this podcast. The Reflection explores intergenerational cycles of behavior through the life of Rue, a high school student trying to manage her podcast and her relationship with her friends, boyfriend, and mother. Now available on Spotify, Podbean, Apple, and Google Podcasts, you can start listening to episode one today through THIS LINK. We are working hard to bring attention to this podcast and would appreciate you sharing this with the youth in your life!
The Reflection: An Audio Drama
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